Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Insatiable

The human mind is an "Insatiable" type... Contenment is a word that has lost its meaning as time has passed.

Moments of happiness and sadness have equally contributed to the growth of this unquenchable thirst to acheive more.

Good in its own way and very bad in some important ways...An insatiable mind shows signs of not being happy with whatever you have.
The mind complains about even the good around you.The penchant to acheive more burns the joy of
achievement.Achievement loses its meaning and saddistic notions takes over.

When the heart is insatiable then comes dislike of what one is doing and this inturn troubles the mind and muddles the entire thinking process.... All this only for that one feeling which we are not able to curb... The feeling of "Want"..

Want is everywhere.... In you , In Me , In every soul around... The trials to curb this morbid growth in us leads to a feeling of confoundedness and a loop --> infinity thinking.

Some say ignorance is bliss... yes indeed its better to remain silent and ignorant about these facts coz you know u cant help it... and when u cant u better not "want" to... Now don't turn "Insatiable" about this too :)

Pavi !!

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